For more than 20 years, each of our 30 employees is bringing passion, commitment and technical qualification to our company. This makes us exactly who we are: A worldwide specialist in high-end gas and liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry and process analysis.
Starts before purchase. Together with our clients we find the best device for their specific requirements. Here we draw on the wide range of leading manufacturer, Agilent Technologies, and use their finest components to complete a coherent overall concept.
Means we are there when our customers need us: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Means comprehensive, solution-orientated maintenance: installation, application, software and servicing come from a single source. Our customers only need to communicate with one partner.
Scientific Instruments Manufacturer GmbH
Im Erlengrund 21-23, 46149 Oberhausen
Tel: +49 (0)208 - 94 10 78-0
Fax: +49 (0)208 - 94 10 78-88