SIM relies on noses as detectors
Did you know that we don't actually taste many things, but rather smell them? When we swallow, vortices of air containing odoriferous substances reach the olfactory mucosa.
This has 10-30 million olfactory cells and is therefore much more sensitive than our tongue. Therefore, much of what we think we taste is actually smelled.
With our Olfactory Detector (OFD), we have taken advantage of the sensitivity of our nose in a special way. By combining high-resolution capillary GC with the extraordinary sensitivity of the human nose as a detector, our OFD is a particularly suitable tool for the flavor, fragrance and chemical industries.
The identification of flavors and odorants in cosmetics, food and beverages, as well as the detection of odorous components in environmental analysis and waste control is easily possible with the OFD. By detecting off-odors, you ensure the highest quality.
The OFD also records odor associations and intensities of eluted substances over a longer period of time. The ergonomic "sniffing port" allows testers to directly smell odor impressions, which enables precise and reliable analysis.
Our OFD works with odorless materials and a precise forwarding of the gas flow via a heatable transmission line. With the height-adjustable smelling port and humidification of the carrier gas flow, drying out of the nasal mucosa is prevented. At the same time, comfort and concentration are maintained.
In addition, further detection with other GC detectors is possible for unambiguous assignment of odor impressions to recorded chromatograms. Our microfluidic splitters precisely redirect gas flow and provide unmatched accuracy.
Have we raised your interest? Then please feel free to contact us by phone or via our contact form. Click here for further product information.