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2. SIM Pyrolyse-Workshop

2. Pyrolysis-SIM Workshop

On 23 September 2009, our second Pyrolysis workshop held with good attendance:

pyrolyse workshop

The program included presentations from both SIM-staff on the Frontier Lab pyrolysis system - from the operation and applications to maintenance - as well as reports from users about the use of this analytical method for very specific tasks.

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New cooling for GC-Injectors

New cooling for GC-Injectors

The SIM GmbH offers a new cooling unit, with all of the temperature-programmable GC injector can be cooled to temperatures of up to 10 ° C, without the liquid coolant LN2 and LCO2 must be used.

news 05-2009

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Scientific Instruments Manufacturer GmbH
Erlengrund 21-23, 46149 Oberhausen

Tel: +49 (0)208 - 94 10 78-0
Fax: +49 (0)208 - 94 10 78-88
Website: www.sim-gmbh.de