Valco Valves


Valco valves are distinguished by a negligible dead volume and allow gas chromatographic determination with column switching, column sequence reversal, the sampling of definite gas volumes and so on.

Material and stability

  • valve body: Hasteloy C®, which has excellent resistant to most acids, including oxidizing acids with chloride ions and strong oxidizers such as ferric chlorides, or Nitronic 60 (stainless steel with high chemical resistance)
  • rotor: Valcon E (polyaryletherketone/PTFE composite)
  • temperature/pressure limit: 225 °C / 2.758 · 103 kPA (valves with higher values for temperature and pressure stability are available upon request)

Actuation options

  • pneumatic: for 2-position valves only; compressed air or nitrogen is recommended (275-550 kPA), operates up to 70 °C; requires a manifold solenoid valve assembly (see order no. in the table)
  • mikroelectric: microprocessor controlled, features a built-in RS-232 serial port

Scope of delivery

  • appropriate nuts and ferrules are supplied with all valves



    two position valve with air actuator



Two position valves operate in two defined positions: "load" and "inject", position A and position B etc. They are available with 4, 6, 8, or 10 ports and can be installed to perform multiple functions, such as sample selection and column switching.

W type:  1/32"  fittings   0.25 mm Port ID for capillary GC (0.25/0.32 mm ID)
                 1/16" fittings   0.40 mm Port ID for capillary GC (0.53 mm ID) 

UW type: 1/16" fittings   0.75 mm Port ID for packed column GC
                  1/8"   fittings   0.75 mm Port ID for packed column GC




    multiposition valve with microelectric actuator




Multiposition valves (6 to 16 positions) step incrementally through continuous revolutions (bi-directionally with the microelectric actuator) and are delivered with different flowpath configurations.

SD type ("dead-end") : selects one of 6-16 dead-end streams, directing it to a sample valve, pressure sensor, detector, column, etc.; the configuration is also used for fraction collection

SF type ("flow through"): is similar to the SD type, but it allows the non-selected streams to flow through individual outlets instead of a common outlet


Two Position Valves

Valves without actuation can be controlled by an Agilent air actuator.

Valves with air actuator require a manifold solenoid valve assembly (MSVA) to be controlled by the GC (see table, last line).

In the table below, order numbers are only given for valves with 4 ports and valve body made of Hastelloy C®.
If you wish to order another number of ports, please change the last two figures of the order no. as follows: "06" (6 ports), "08" (8 ports) or "10" (10 ports).
If the valve body should be made of Nitronic 60 instead of Hastelloy C®, the first figure of the order no. "0" should be replaced by "1".
Example: V 1018 01 08 = alve type W with valve body of nitronic 60, air actuator and 8 port






Type Fittings
Port ID
Actuator Term Order no.
W 1/32 0.25 4 - DN4WEHC V 0018 00 04
pneum. A4N4WEHC V 0018 01 04
mikroelectr. EH4N4WEHC V 0018 02 04
W   1/16   0.40 4 - DC4WEHC V 0019 00 04
pneum. A4C4WEHC V 0019 01 04
mikroelectr. EH4C4WEHC V 0019 02 04
UW   1/16   0.75   4   - DC4UWEHC V 0020 00 04
pneum. A4C4UWEHC V 0020 01 04
mikroelectr. ET4C4UWEHC V 0020 02 04
UW 1/8 0.75 4 - D4UWEHC V 0021 00 04
pneum. A44UWEHC V 0021 01 04
mikroelectr. ET44UWEHC V 0021 02 04
manifold solenoid valve assembly (24V DC) for air actuator (MSVA) B 0202 24 13


Multiposition valves

 SD type                SF type


The order numbers are given for valves with bodies of Hastelloy C®. If you wish to order a valve body of Nitronic 60, please replace the first figure of the order no. "0" by "1" (e.g. V 1022 02 06).

Type Fittings
Actuator  Term Order no.
MW-SD 1/16 6 mikroelectr. EMT4CSD6MWEHC V 0022 02 06
10 mikroelectr. EMT4CSD10MWEHC V 0022 02 10
12 mikroelectr. EMT4CSD12MWEHC V 0022 02 12
16 mikroelectr. EMT4CSD16MWEHC V 0022 02 16
MW-SD 1/8 6 mikroelectr. EMT4SD6MWEHC V 0023 02 06
10 mikroelectr. EMT4SD10MWEHC V 0023 02 10
12 mikroelectr. EMT4SD12MWEHC V 0023 02 12
16 mikroelectr. EMT4SD16MWEHC V 0023 02 16
MW-SF 1/16 6 mikroelectr. EMT4CSF6MWEHC V 0024 02 06
10 mikroelectr. EMT4CSF10MWEHC V 0024 02 10
12 mikroelectr. EMT4CSF12MWEHC V 0024 02 12
16 mikroelectr. EMT4CSF16MWEHC V 0024 02 16
MW-SF 1/8 6 mikroelectr. EMT4SF6MWEHC V 0025 02 06
10 mikroelectr. EMT4SF10MWEHC V 0025 02 10
12 mikroelectr. EMT4SF12MWEHC V 0025 02 12
16 mikroelectr. EMT4SF16MWEHC V 0025 02 16


Sample Loops

  • made of stainless steel (other materials like Hastelloy C® are available on request)
  • each stainless steel loop includes two stainless steel nuts and two stainless steel ferrules


Term Order no.
0.25 W 1/32 SL250NW V 1026 32 02
W 1/16 SL250CW V 1026 16 02
0.5 W 1/32 SL500NW V 1027 32 05
W 1/16 SL500CW V 1027 16 05
1.0 W 1/16 SL1KCW V 1028 16 10
UW 1/16 SL1KCUW V 1029 16 10
MW 1/16 SL1KCSTP V 1030 16 10
UW 1/8 SL1KUW V 1031 18 10
MW 1/8 SL1KSTP V 1032 18 10
2.0 W 1/16 SL2KCW V 1033 16 20
UW 1/16 SL2KCUW V 1034 16 20
MW 1/16 SL2KCSTP V 1035 16 20
UW 1/8 SL2KUW V 1036 18 20
MW 1/8 SL2KSTP V 1037 18 20
5.0 W 1/16 SL5KCW V 1038 16 50
UW 1/16 SL5KCUW V 1039 16 50
MW 1/16 SL5KCSTP V 1040 16 50
UW 1/8 SL5KUW V 1041 18 50
MW 1/8 SL5KSTP V 1042 18 50


Spare Parts

Type Material Quantity Term Order no.
1/32 Ferrule stainless steel (type 316) 10 ZF.5S6-10 V 1043 32 10
Hastelloy C® 1 ZF.5HC V 0043 32 01
polyimide/graphite 10 ZF.5GV-10 V 2043 32 10

stainless steel



V 1044 32 10

1/16 Ferrule stainless steel (type 316) 10 ZF1S6-10 V 1045 16 10
Hastelloy C® 1 ZF1HC V 0045 16 01
polyimide/graphite 10 ZF1GV-10 V 2045 16 10
Nut stainless steel 10 ZN1-10 V 1046 16 10
1/8 Ferrule stainless steel (type 316) 10 ZF2S6-10 V 1047 18 10
Hastelloy C® 1 ZF2HC V 0047 18 01
polyimide/graphite 10 ZF2GV-10 V 2047 18 10
Nut stainless steel 10 ZN2-10 V 1048 18 10


Scientific Instruments Manufacturer GmbH
Erlengrund 21-23, 46149 Oberhausen

Tel: +49 (0)208 - 94 10 78-0
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