DIP for Shimadzu GC/MS
Shimadzu GCMS systems can be utilized for MS direct analysis by using the Direct Inlet system without separating the GC/MS coupling and preceding chromatography.
- both liquid and solid samples can be analyzed by using two different push rod tips
- automatic insertion of the sample into the high vacuum of the ion source (EI/CI)
- convenient operation of the system via a DIP software (temperature program for push rod heating, used for vaporizing the sample in the ion source); acquisition and evaluation of mass spectra through GCMS software
- available for Single Quadrupole GCMS QP2010/2020 and Triple Quadrupole GCMS TQ8040
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- Direkt Inlet also for low volatile substances and solid samples
- no separation of the GC/MS coupling before acquisition of a mass spectrum with Direct Inlet
- vacuum valve and temperature control of the push rod (heating/cooling) are regulated through an external controller, accidental venting is prevented by the automatic sample insertion into the ion source