• SIM 1



10th Oberhausen Economic Forum

The perspective on job interviews has turned 180 degrees in recent years. Whereas the core question used to be, "Why should we hire you?" today it is, "What can we do to attract you?"

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We want you

SIM is constantly evolving and growing. You too can become a part of our team.

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With an eye on our future

When we decided to expand our SIM headquarters, we had sustainability and the use of renewable energy in mind from the very beginning.

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Relaxed to work by bike

We have always looked for meaningful ways to make SIM more sustainable. Offering our employees alternatives to traveling by car was one of them.

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SIM at praxis4U

Trainingor or study? Business or technical? University or company? Young people lay the foundations for their future in their final years of school. And it's not all that easy.

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Scientific Instruments Manufacturer GmbH
Erlengrund 21-23, 46149 Oberhausen

Tel: +49 (0)208 - 94 10 78-0
Fax: +49 (0)208 - 94 10 78-88
Website: www.sim-gmbh.de